Saturday, January 20, 2018


UPDATE: DARYL & I never really broke up over Christmas...

to go back to the past, i ried college, but i dropped out to get married, cuz- really all i ever wanned to "be" was a housewife- was it ever this simple? AFTER my divorce, 5 or 6 years of me playing the rebel working single whore mom, clubbing, dive bars tho were my fav- and dated tons of losers and users, shameful deeds of sex of which i got nothing out of--

so i made a VOW OF CELIBACY IN 1999 (still hung with guys, cuz i love men, just no casual sex- i wanted and needed an emotional connection--) figured i'd die,

but from '99 to 2014 when the love of my life, Dare, reappeared in my life-- on our 2nd "date"- i asked him if he'd like to see my brand new queen size bed. well. he said yes. and wow THERE YA GO- what we never did in high school...- in his head, he later told me he figured we'd wait 6 months, but helll noooo - i'd waited for 15 years. LOL HOT!! being in love makes (made) all the difference)

ps remember now- i said i gave up intercourse with men (NOT ORGASMS) LOL

Friday, January 19, 2018


Celtic Wolf 27oz Clear Glass Stein: This large stein is engraved with an original Celtic Wolf design. The wolf is one of the most prevalent animals in the lore of many cultures. For the Celts the wolf was the companion and/or form many different gods and goddesses and was closely associated with the winter months the Gaelic word for January, "Faoilleach" translates to -month of the wolf. Centuries later the wolf is still found as a common heraldic theme for many families originating from nations with Celtic roots. The engraving will not fade and the glass is dishwasher friendly.  "MAGDALENA- TO THE COOLEST GAL I KNOW! CHEERS! 


Wednesday, January 17, 2018


oh Loki, my low key lil kitty- such a gentle kitty, a smart follower, - but OMG LOKI - my son woke me up about 4 days ago, and Loki has this actual put your finger into the deep HOLE in his groin area- and THAT WAS NOT THERE THE DAY BEFORE, cuz we knew he seemed to not feel well so me and Dare did a once over- my son took him to the vet- 

nothing due to the neutering he had done 2 wks before - prob a cat fight- tho he is 95 percent an indoor cat- but i have a kitty door for my othe 3 cats and now kitty door closed til Loki heals so the other cats are all - where's my door? -

and oooohhhh and now the treatments i needa give him- the wound infected needs daily flushing for at least a full minute- yeah he loves that- ohhh man and then stick the ointment IN THE BLOODY HUGE HOLE. my poor kitty. follow up appt nxt week...

Thursday, January 11, 2018


my shrink today: do you have trouble concentrating? me: oh look a bird just flew past your window. doctor: how's your appetite? 

me: well being fat, i feast on my usual daily side of beef and 10 dozen jelly donuts, and also being fat, i am lazy so i scarf while laying down and i also stink. 

doctor: remember, baby steps. me: eh i'm too much of a baby to do that shit. (things i go thru for my meds)

 HE'S ACTUALLY BUSY writing all this shit down and i'm so laughing inside- who's shrinking WHO - mister doctor man!!! ðŸ˜ŽðŸ˜œ

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

September 22, is Hobbit Day. 

This means it is the birthday of Frodo and Bilbo Baggins and thus a day of great importance. (I was born on Sept 22) tho i hardly declare, me, a mere fuckin human, to be nearly as of "GREAT IMPORTANCE" as 2 fictional characters.....

I like this, but was never a big Lord of the Rings fan overall
tho i feel like - i should be -scenery n costumes, EXCELLENT!- (the "not all those that wander are lost"- reminds me of my youngest son- he has seldom given up his marching to his own drummer syndrome) the times i chose to "dance" to other people's "drummers,"- usually never worked for me, cuz it wasn't MY own Music- 

Friday, January 5, 2018


1. Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to slow film down so you could see his moves.
2. The original name for butterfly was flutter by.
3. By raising your legs slowly and laying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand.
4. Dogs and cats, like humans, are either right or left handed.
5. Charlie Chaplin once won the third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.
6. The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries.
7. Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.
8. The shortest English word that contains theletters A, B, C, D, E, and F is “feedback.”
9. All Polar bears are left-handed.
10. In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.
11. “Dream t” is the only English word that ends in the letters “mt.”
12. Almonds are a member of the peach family, and apples belong to the rose family.

Sunday, December 24, 2017


I just broke up with the man I've been with for the past 5 years, with the man I dated for over two years while we were in high school together-- in the late '70's. 

And how super magical it was when he found me again, after us apart for over thirty was like, coming home.
    In our 50's now, we'd often laugh about how I so want us to frolic in a meadow together (metaphorically or literally speaking) and we'd chuckle and say how our frolic muscles have arthritis and hey- where the fuck is a goddamn meadow anyway? 

But as good as he may be, there's this disconnect in him somewhere, like we all have, but I'm his target and I don't deserve that. Oh my god, so I called him up about an hour ago. And I said, I said, "Daryl, we're over. Over. Enjoy your life. Please never call me again." 

Has the bastard called me back????  you know, to 'fight' for us-- hahahahaa  of course not- 

Dear Santa, I feel so scared. For Christmas please give me a tiny bit of peace. 

(I wrote this late last night, I think my heart knew, before my head could accept, and even now, I don't want to let him go- but......I fear HE'S all ready let ME go, so------in essence, I'm just completing his handiwork.) 

To Where You Put Me:

your heart is a locked door

in my desperation to reach you
i knock louder and more 

i wonder just how many
tears do i have,
just how many pieces
can one broken heart produce?

my sadness, paralyzes me
keeps me from moving, 


from, moving

my love used to frolic
in every meadow


i know it was doing this alone
perhaps in its sleep, dreaming,

i reprimand any good feelings
and retreat to where you put me


it's definitely not

in any fuckin' meadow

juliebuck ©